Unable to change z_index of child via script. You can use the following to apply z-index to a control: var item = control. The hud node is associated with the game because it updates player attributes dynamically. Godot Tutorial - Part 7: Using tile maps to create the game map Maybe using a CanvasLayer would help, but then the "StatusBlock" element changes position according to viewport, not the Unit Node. You can use Markdown in your post. Properly using Y-sort with multi-layered isometric tilemaps? - Godot Forum I have a parent Node called TileGrid which populates automatically with a bunch of child Nodes called Tile To help me manage the children I have created a 2D Array called grid_tiles [] [] which contains references to each child Node. Setting a node to always appear on top (and be ... - Godot Forum Teams. Here, icon1 has its z-index set to 1. Also make sure that each layer is offset from the previous by a significant enough of a number so that you have enough buffer in-between them precisely so you can add utilitarian nodes between in the draw order. At first it works but after adding and removing child nodes the signal no longer triggers. I may have missed some strange behavior with tooltips or control elements or something, but everything I'm finding about this says to use tree order. For my ordering/indexing I've just been using the tree order and haven't adjusted any z-indexes, and yet the visual ordering doesn't match the tree order. However, there you can use the node order in the scene tree instead of Z-index (you use Z-index in world, but the scene tree order inside individual entities), so this is not really a problem there. scroll. z-index. get_canvas_item () VisualServer. 118. 4 reasons your z-index isn't working (and how to fix it) All 2D nodes, including physics objects and sprites, inherit from Node2D. But when my dagger node spawns an animated sprite (toonSmoke) with a z-index of 500 for the smoke, and 1000 for . Help! Unable to change z_index of child via script : godot reduz commented on Jun 25, 2018. Vector3 — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English Finally, it's supposed to set the Z-Index for each Tile. If a component is zero, it returns positive one. How to force Control Node "z-index"? Tree ordering not working - Godot Then, add a Sprite node and a CollisionShape2D to Rock. gdscript - .translated function not working in Godot / best way to ...