For exmple I have a Text: Dear , We are happy to inform you that you got in . My actual text is much longer and I have to replace like 100 words with other words which are saved in another string. 2. Question I would like to have a regular expression that checks if a string contains only upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores. In above string I have to check for "Mark", now I want to show all the strings which contains the word "Mark". I need to check if an input field on my page contains characters. that starts with certain character using jQuery 1. Method 2: Using Brute Force. Jquery check if table contains text Its value is 0 by default.. Set the string −. The \d character class is the simplest way to match numbers. check if string contains specific characters When we talk about JavaScript and jQuery both come with some built-in methods, which returns the position of the value in the array. jquery check if string contains specific characterregex to check if string contains special characters javascript Code ... sadotech doorbell sounds ; facts management login. Method 2 – jQuery remove special characters from string.