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UA35/11 The Honorable Mention - Western Kentucky University Entercom. Michigan State University's entry, Blue Lines, received honorable mention in the master plan category of the 2019 Campus RainWorks Challenge. I'm so proud of you for setting your sights high and making every effort to achieve that goal. Pour ce qui est de certaines bi .
mention très honorable - English translation - Linguee Honorable Mention Albums of 2016 - The Fire Note "Mention assez bien, mention bien et mention très bien" are closely equivalent to "honorable mention, with honors, with high honors". Ses différentes mesures continueront de s'étendre progressivement durant les prochaines années. But when his father and three sons in line for the throne are killed in an "accident," he has no choice but to take his place as the only surviving rightful heir. : Il faut toutefois rendre une mention très honorable à The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, qui termine au 2e rang chez IGN et chez Gamespy, tout en étant aussi l'autre finaliste disponible sur PC du côté de . Grading System in France. Mother tongue: English. Nos conseils pour réussir., C'est un tabou de notre . Thomas Pieters was an honorable mention All-American, Big Ten individual champion and Player of the Year, and Charlie Danielson was an honorable mention All-American. The doctoral academic distinctions were, in ascending order, honorable, très honorable, très honorable avec félicitations du jury. "Mention assez bien, mention bien et mention très bien" are closely equivalent to "honorable mention, with honors, with high honors". . Note that the commandment begins on a positive note.
quelle note pour avoir une mention en master They are entirely distinct from bachelor's and master's distinctions, which are . Mother tongue: English. Since 1890, the French baccalauréat exam, required to receive a high school diploma, has traditionally scored students on a scale (Barème) of 0-20, as do most secondary school and university classes. Très honorable avec félicitations du jury, meaning "Very Honorable, with Committee Praise", was the highest academic distinction awarded in the French academic university system..