2688079 - Purchase Requisition Flexible WorkflowPreconditions The workflow book is fat, because we decided to include technical detail for people implementing as well as overviews for readers just curious. Step 1: Flexible workflow in Purchase Requisition is enabled based on the document type. Rules allow for the dynamic agent determination to a task in a workflow at runtime. On the Agent determination side, we have BADIs to accomplish that. Basic scenarios can be created using configuration only. 1. a user agent value column of the BRF+ decision table can be filled with an organizational structure entity (i.e. Provide an approval preview in Flexible workflow tab in ME23n tcode / Fiori app to see with which approver is the document waiting for approval - something like - SAP Workflow Agent Determination. Locate the portion of your attribute or method that you want to test, and set the breakpoint there. Note. Objective: This wki will tell you the basic transactions which are being used inthe SAP Workflow. Avec SAP S/4 HANA, la gestion des workflows se retrouve à la portée des utilisateurs et du métier grâce au Flexible Workflow. Maintain assignment to SAP organizational objects. Debugging with known BAdI implementation It is also possible to start the debugging directly from the BAdI: /SAPSRM/BD_WF_RESP_RESOLVER implementation. This is how conditions can be seen in the SAP GUI. From this screen, you will need to enter an object key for the BOB debugger.
sap flexible workflow agent determination - bio-abi.de From this screen, you will need to enter an object key for the BOB debugger. Step 1: Flexible workflow in Purchase Requisition is enabled based on the document type. A consistent template between PO and PR flexible workflow template , same BADI , same agent determination criteria; Apart from Fiori Myinbox app, Provide a way to approve PR/PO from SAP Gui tcode; Provide a way to configure email notification and allow customer to maintain their own email template and email subject; References: The processes of Master Data Governance for Material are workflow-driven and can include several approval and revision phases, and the collaboration of all users participating in the master data maintenance.