Service Portal: Widgets as Catalog Variables | Part 1 - SnowGuy Dublin has new phone number fields. Description: Denotes the prefix given to the variables included in the terraform module's file . VIP, Motorcycle, Normal). The Terraform Integration codebase can create Terraform Variables and Terraform Environment Variables via the API using the tf_variable.createVariablesFromSet() function. Credential Management in ServiceNow discovery. This reference lists available classes and methods along with parameters, descriptions, and examples to make extending the ServiceNow platform easier. The provided terraform module's variable description is populated in both the ServiceNow variable question text and tool tip. The concept of the IT service catalog was formally introduced in 2007 as an "IT service management . In this case, you can turn off the UI policy for variable type Macro with Label so . Glide Variables - JDS Australia ServiceNow provides extensive access to instances through a set of RESTful APIs. Script Include ServiceNow with Examples. I am trying to use this Rich Text Label. Add additional group by variables to a service catalog report CatalogItemVariable - Scoped - create | ServiceNow Developers This is the follow-up video of my video series of ServiceNow Service Catalog Training.This video will cover examples of different types of variables:- Break-. Service Catalog - ServiceNow ServiceNow Code:Catalog items and the Portal Widget Data Object