webresource.axd missing on html | The ASP.NET Forums Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) Uncaught ReferenceError: Sys is not defined at login.aspx:232. webresource suddenly not loading anymore | The ASP.NET Forums Mobile usability score of michelin247.com (57/100) means that the page is not mobile-friendly. Where is WebResource.axd? - IDQnA.com Search for an existing page - or - Sort the pages - or - Filter the pages Page searching, sorting, and filtering are not working WebResource.axd not found | The ASP.NET Forums So you have the following project resource "my.js" in the project "MyAssembly" the resource path would be "MyAssembly.my.js". Sharepoint custom builded webpart is not loading javascript. You can read about it and possible workarounds in the following blog post: iis 7 - Javascript Errors only on Production Server? - Server Fault This is what worked for me: 1. How to hide webresource.axd and scriptresource.axd file? CSS failed to load in Sitecore | Sitecore Development Note I have verified my 64bit 4.0 web.config contains the mapping for WebResource.axd. We recently upgraded to the blowery.HttpCompress module for .Net 2.0 (I. know, long time coming), and I've been investigating some exceptions that. There is still the typeof (Sys) === 'undefined' bit of code, which tells me that ScriptManager is still being loaded, but decides that other AJAX script should not be. . Viewed 2k times . I have 5 pages under the same directory. But it does not even initialize itself so Sys is in fact undefined after the page is loaded. Telerik Web Forms Known Issues | Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX 0. item is undefined in SharePoint Online but works fine in SharePoint 2013. If successful, it will get the data from the . The following code example demonstrates how to apply the WebResourceAttribute attribute on a custom assembly to define an image Web resource and an HTML Web resource. Telerik Web Forms RadScriptManager Overview | Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX [Solved] what is webresource.axd and scriptresource.axd - CodeProject